University Police Records

University Police Records supports the patrol function of University Police and Public Safety across 22 campus locations and must comply with Federal and State statutes, as well as University policy and CALEA accreditation standards with regard to records maintenance, retention, and dissemination.
**Investigative reports are not public information and therefore not accessible under the Right to Know Law.**
Contact University Police Records
Suite 150, University Support Building I
University Park, PA 16802
Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 8:00am – 5:00pm
Walk-in Hours: Mon-Fri 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Phone: 814-865-1865
Fax: 814-865-2654
Publicly Available Information
- University Police records availability: Pursuant to Federal and State law, University Police maintains a daily log, which is open to public inspection, free of charge, during normal business hours in the University Police Records Office at University Support Building 1. In addition, you may view the last 60 days of logs online.
- Court and Docket information can be found on the Magisterial District Court Docket Sheets Website.
- Publicly available statistics can be found at:
- Pennsylvania State Police Reporting website
- U.S. Department of Education website
- University Police Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) and Clery Act statistics, as well as other safety information for each campus location, are published in the University’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report and Annual Security Reports.
Requests for University Police Records Information
University policy prohibits emailing of personally identifiable information; therefore, requests will not be processed by electronic mail.
Obtaining Criminal History Information
What is Criminal History Information (CHRIA)?
- As defined by the Criminal History Records Information Act, CHRIA, ”Information collected by criminal justice agencies concerning individuals, and arising from the initiation of a criminal proceeding, consisting of identifiable descriptions, dates and notations of arrests, indictments, information or other formal criminal charges and any dispositions arising therefrom. The term does not include intelligence information, investigative information or treatment information, including medical and psychological information or information and records specified in Section 9104 of the PA crimes code
- University Police can only release Criminal History Information (CHI), which is contained within the files of Penn State University Police. A summary of statewide Criminal History Record Information may be obtained from:
The Pennsylvania State Police
Record & Identification Division
Bureau of Records and Information Services
1800 Elmerton Ave.
Harrisburg, PA 17110
- CHI can only be released to the individual named in the record and only upon proof of identification either in person, in writing (must be signed and notarized) or with a signed release.
By FAX: (814) 865-2654
Please include a return fax number or mailing address
By Mail: University Police & Public Safety
Attn: University Police Records
Suite 150, University Support Building I
University Park, PA 16802
Please also include a self-addressed, pre-posted envelope or return FAX #
Obtaining a Vehicle Accident Report or Theft/Criminal Mischief Synopsis letter
- If you wish to obtain a copy of your vehicle accident report or a synopsis of a reported Theft or Criminal Mischief, please come in person or submit a signed written request.
- Written requests may be submitted:
By FAX: (814) 865-2654
Please include a return fax number or mailing address
By Mail:
University Police & Public Safety
Attn: University Police Records
Suite 150, University Support Building I
University Park, PA 16802
Please also include a self-addressed, pre-posted envelope or a return FAX number.
For Emergencies, Call 911