Student Auxiliary Officers

Penn State University Police & Public Safety utilizes students to supplement full-time police and security personnel. This has proven to be an excellent way of providing many routine services to the University and community giving students meaningful employment.
During the fall, spring, and summer semesters, students are employed as uniformed Student Auxiliary Officers. During these times, the Student Auxiliary Officers provide a variety of services, to include:
- general property protection
- traffic control
- supplemental security for campus events
They also provide high visibility foot patrols throughout:
- residence hall areas
- general campus
- the community
- select University facilities
Student Auxiliary Officer Hiring Process
University Police & Public Safety is always looking for hard working students who are seeking challenging and rewarding work. To join our team as a Student Auxiliary Officer, visit the PSU jobs website and search for “Auxiliary Officer” in the “Keywords” box.
The PSU jobs website will ask you to submit various documents, including a resume. After submitting the necessary documents, Human Resources and the Student Auxiliary Unit Hiring Team will review the documents. Selected candidates will then be contacted for an interview. (Please note you must maintain full-time Penn State student status to be employed with the AO Unit.)
Benefits of working as a Student Auxiliary Officer include:
- Choose your own schedule. Flexible scheduling with only a few shifts each semester being assigned.
- Take on unique assignments. As a Student Auxiliary Officer, you will have the opportunity to be a part of many unique experiences that a “typical” job does not provide.
- Boost your resume. Working as a Student Auxiliary Officer provides valuable job skills such as responsibility, accountability, teamwork, leadership, communication, conflict resolution, and time management.
- Earn promotions to supervisor positions. Gain additional real-world job experience that provides the ability to acquire, enhance, and showcase talents and skills that are highly desirable to future employers.
- Have employement year-round. You can work up to 30 hours a week during the fall and spring semesters and up to 40 hours a week during summer and winter breaks (20/30 hours for international students).
- A sense of comradery. Meet and work with other diverse students while forging lasting friendships.
- Be an important member of the University Police & Public Safety team. Perform business essential work to achieve success.
Contact Us
If you have questions regarding part-time employment with the University Police Student Auxiliary Unit, please email us at or call 814-863-2245 to speak with a member of the Student Auxiliary Hiring Team for more information.
Questions regarding the University hiring process or online submission of your resume or documents can be directed to PSU HR Services at 814-865-1473 or by email at
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